We all know the scenario: you have been training for a number of months, and things have been going really well. Problem is the excitement and satisfaction you felt after completing a session has worn thin.

Many of your training sessions have become a blur because they are much the same. Whether it is in the pool, on the bike or on the road, boredom with training is something that makes an already difficult and challenging task, even more difficult and challenging.

So how can we steer clear of the pit falls of boredom in training?

I like to incorporate sessions that challenge me both mentally and physically (see the running session). Sessions that introduce new, and previously unused elements and techniques (see the swimming session) and sessions that combine a number of components (see the bike and strength training sessions).

Sure the underlying factor of most of these sessions is that they are challenging, but the challenge does not only come from the degree of difficulty (and they are difficult), these workouts bring to the table. Each workout has technical, psychological, physiological and biomechanical challenges that will leave you feeling challenged, motivated and reinvigorated.

Check these out:

1: Running:

Looking for a strong finish at the end of a hilly, 10km or half marathon? This one will help you get just that.

2: Cycling:

Muscle Endurance is the muscles ability to do work without the occurrence of undue fatigue.

The challenge is working the Muscular, the Neuro-Muscular systems and the bodies Psychological tolerance for the stress placed on the bodies systems during racing.

This session, aimed at improving muscle endurance, is one I particularly enjoy doing.

I use on of Coach Troy Jacobsons Spinervals Aero-Base Builder sessions for the 20 - 30 minute warm up and 20 - 30 minute cool down.

Here is the main body of the session:

Take 5 minutes of easy spinning, to allow for recovery ahead of the second set of intervals.

Please note:
  • Recovery between each Interval should be completed with the heart rate in Z2 or at the lower end of Aerobic training zone
  • 1 minute recovery for 3 minute intervals
  • 1min30 recovery for 4 minute intervals
  • 2 minutes recovery for 5 minute intervals
After completing the second set of intervals, settle in for the completion of 20 - 30 minutes of Spinervals Aero-Base Builder sessions.

As always, do not forget to stretch at the end of the session. Why not use some Self Myo-Fascial release?

3: Stretching and recovery:

Self Myo-fascial release (SMFR) is a technique similar to massage, except you use a foam roller to trigger point areas of tightness and help to break down metabolic waste build up within the muscle.

The difference between SMFR and traditional stretching, is that SMFR targets the fascial sheath surrounding the muscle, delivering a muscle lengthening and recovery similar to massage.

So how do would one go about doing this Myo-Fascial release?

This video is available from Mypypeline.com as a single video resource.

Part 1:

Part 2:

As you can see you will require a foam roller to be able to do this session. You can purchase one at Mypypeline.com.

4: Swimming:

Swimming is always a little easier to come up cool sets, with lots of variety and different challenges.

I always try to incorporate some back and breast stroke into every session (my Masters group also has "choice" sets too).

This is a 3500m session that I enjoy doing because of the multitude of different focuses throughout the session. You will not get bored!

By simply changing up one or two of the sessions in your program, you can re-ignite the passion you have always felt for your training, and once again experience the satisfaction of sompleting another training session.

James Greenwood is a competitive tri and multisport athlete currently training for Ironman Canada 2009. A level 1 Triathlon Coach, he holds a post graduate degree in Exercise Science, and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA. James is also currently the resident health and fitness programs expert at MyPypeline.com, and has starred in a number of multisport specific fitness videos.
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