What do you do if you live in a part of the world that is super flat? Roly Poly rides for you are getting over the neighborhood speed bumps, and seriously long hill climb is nothing more involves riding from the street up to your front door.
Well, as an athlete this poses a pretty serious problem.
Firstly, because finding a race outside of your area that too is super flat is going to be pretty challenging, and secondly, hill work is recognized as one of the best ways to improve cycling and running specific strength, and ultimately your overall performance.
So let's look at a couple of options available to you.
Option 1: Ignore the hill training component of your training program, and hope that you can somehow muscle your way around the hilly race course.
Option 2: Pack all your training gear into your car, drive to the nearest hill, wherever that might, and do your training session. Repeat every week for the next 16 weeks!
Option 3: Rent or purchase a Spinervals indoor training session from Mypypeline.com that will give you a solid indoor, hill training session, essential in overcoming any hill that lies between you and the finish line.
Personally, I like Option 3 the best for the following reasons:
1: Spinervals are simple to use - check out The Uphill Grind and you can rent or buy the session. It is delivered to you as a streaming video or as a download into your I-tunes. Use the coupon code below to give this tough session go - for free!
3: Spinervals do not require an actual hill
This session rates 9.5/10 on the difficulty rating scale, giving you just what you want, but more importantly, what you need -the climbing ability of a mountain goat!